Funshine Express Vs Mother Goose Time.

Often, parents are left wondering which toy hauling service is better: the funshine express or the mother goose time. It's often a tough choice to make, but parents report that both services have helped their lives and the lives of their children.
Parents say it's made their life easier.
Founded in 1995, Funshine Express, Inc. provides educational curriculum and support for preschool children. The company offers a variety of early learning programs that align with the highest quality standards in early childhood education. Their kits are designed to make early learning more engaging and exciting. They include curriculum, craft supplies, and patterns. Teachers can customize the curriculum and support to meet the needs of their students. These kits are sold for a $300 investment. In addition, teachers receive support and training, assessment documentation, and training materials. 98 percent of Funshine Express kits were shipped outside of North Dakota.
Funshine Express kits are designed to help teachers provide lessons to preschoolers. They feature daily lesson plans, built-in assessments, and daily enrichment activities. The kits also feature a computer and a copy machine. The materials in the kits can be used for early literacy and math lessons. The kits also include craft ideas, music and movement CDs, and calendar headers. The kits are also designed to encourage socialization and cooperation.
In addition to the kits, Funshine Express offers a variety of digital resources, including Digital Music, Book Lists, Bulletin Board Ideas, Training Information, and Assessment Documentation. The company also distributes direct mail brochures to licensed childcare providers. The company serves 3,000 to 4,000 preschool students.